
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

I Am The Reason For All The Mischief in the World!

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

Effects of Haram (Prohibited) Sustenance:

At this moment all the mischief that there is in the society, I am the reason for that! Why is this so? Because all the labor I did, I cheated in that. I settled for a labor of 25 cents, but I did not work worth of 25 cents. I worked for 12 cents. Or the ingredients that I have written for the medicine, I have not included all of them in the diet. I have only written them. I have also received the full compensation for the price. And this is my theft! This is my cheating! Then this medicine did not have those benefits that I boasted about. What would be a better fraud than this? The introduction that I gave about the medicine, the benefits that I had written about in the introduction of the medicine, they did not appear in my experience. But I wrote about them. And the people used that medicine after reading about those benefits, this is also fraud. 

I had settled a wage of about 100 rupees, but I did not work for 100 rupees! I took complete the complete wage but did not complete my job. This is also insincere! I took a salary of 1000 rupees per month but the amount of time that I had to dedicate, I did not work as much. This is also insincere and fraudulent! 

As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

A friend of mine took me to a place with a lot of love. He said: I earned my whole life with hard work. After retirement the son was caught in the crime of a murder. 45000 rupees were spent on him. The fund that I got after retirement, all of that was spent in the lawsuit of that murder. Theft occurred at my place. Then an accident occurred. After that another loss occurred. And the situation is that all of the life’s saving was spent and I became indebted. The reason for this is that my whole life the cheating that I did in my employment, all of this is the result of that. I do not remember my cheating, yes, the bad things that were done to me by people, I remember those. 

One Coin for the Milk Man, One Coin for the Sea:

Sheikh Saadi (رضی اللہ عنہ) says that a person used to mix water in milk. Like this he earned a lot of coins and became very wealthy. Once he was transferring those coins from one place to another using a sea ship. He had a pet monkey with him. The monkey took that pouch full of coins and climbed the mast of the ship and started giving one coin to the master and throwing one coin in the sea. The master was shouting from beneath. But the monkey took his actual coins that belonged to him, and threw them down to him one by one, and threw rest of them in the sea. There in the ship sat a dervish. He said that it appears that your actual wealth was just this! Be thankful that your affair was settled in this world. 

Allah Accepts Pure Words:

 All the mischief that occurred in this world, which was the reason? It occurred because of me! Till the time this voice shall not come from inside, till that time political, social temperament and environment shall not change. And these words should just not be said with the tongue people of Allah! My Allah accepts real words! My Allah accepts pure words! Till the time this voice shall not come from inside people of Allah! Till that time, there will be no benefit. 

A Following and Hissing Flood:

A friend of mine came to me; a flood had come at his place. He started describing the situation of that place that: There was a typical hiss of the flood. As if it was the hiss of a snake. The water of the flood was coming while making a noise like this that due to fear, the people who had to lock the room could not lock it! The houses were left without locks. He said: Three kids were clinging with an old man. And people were running for 30 miles. And the water was following them. 

The Reward of Paying Zakat: He said:

A person had made a pile of money and jewelry. But when water came, he forgot to pick it up. He saved his life and ran. When the water dried, he went and saw that roof of the house had fallen down. Upon searching he found that pile. He found the jewelry too as well as the money. People asked him, how did you find this money and jewelry? He said: All praise be to Allah, I pay my zakat (alms due) wholly. And the person who shall fulfill his duties with honesty, then Allah will save him in such a way! And if every person thinks like this that what difference do his dishonesty and oppression, then he will have to suffer from its results in the form of earthquakes and floods. 

The One Who Is Alone Has Allah With Him:

In flood ridden areas, some government officials snatched the wealth from a woman and pushed her in the water. She swam in the water and came ahead. Personnel of Pakistan Army brought her out. That woman told the whole story to the soldiers. The soldiers sat her in a boat. They hid the woman and asked the government officials about this. They denied this. So the soldiers called the woman and had her identify the people. Her belongings were found and those persons were also given punishment. (Continued) 

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